
I feel like a reformat needs to be in order

My blog is currently experiencing an identity crisis.

I'm not really sure how I'm gonna start fixing it but I guess this is the problem that needs to be addressed:
  1. I want to write about technology but it feels like whenever I write, at the back of mind I know that the article may have been written elsewhere already. Knowing that somewhere out there, there's an article similar to mine makes me feel like a second-rate option. Doesn't really make me feel good tbqh. LOL.
  2. I want to review more gadgets, but I don't really have the gadgets to review. Haha. I'm pretty opinionated when it comes to gadgets so I do feel like I'm in a good position and have enough credibility to carry out gadget reviews. So yeah. No gadgets, no review.
  3. Since I have a shortage of gadgets for review, I sometimes feel like I ought to write something personal. Like, you know, how may day went, or how my love life is going. I keep on stopping myself from doing that because I keep getting reminded that I wanted this blog to be a tech blog. But then, nothing.
There are a lot of things that are in my head and writing, I feel, is the catharsis that I've underutilized for quite a while now. Maybe it's time to revive that. 2014 is just around the corner, so hopefully before that happens, I get to resolve this identity crisis. I really do want to write more.

If you ever get to read this, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. woot! woot! visting! :-)
    Adding you on my blogroll...

    Oh and by the way, go blog about anything... okidoks!
